August 21, 2010

Heaven Was Needing a Hero

1 comment:

  1. Nancy,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband.
    The video was very moving. I love seeing the pictures of you with him, you two made a nice looking couple.

    I have not been on facebook, much as i am reinventing my self and enrolled in college to learn Medical billing and coding and also working towards my AA in Accounting and a minor in Marketing plus trying to figure out what business i want to start.

    I did see some posts about you selling some of his stuff but I just thought that you were selling it to get rid of it, not because God called him home.

    I pray that God comforts you in your time of sorrow.

    Oh did I say how nice you looked in the video???

    Read Psalm 23 it brings comfort when your mourning. At least it helped me. I hope it will help you in some way.

    Take care of you!

