I've always believed in life after death and heaven. I've believe our loved ones frequently attempt to communicate with us and leave us signs that they're still around and still love us. Since my husbands death I've had some interesting experiences that I believe were him letting us know. The day I learned of his passing a woman grief counselor from the hospital was at my house when a call came through on my house line. It was the hospital and they asked for her. They told HER to tell me that if I would like to come see my husband one last time I should come now because shortly they would be taking him to the medical examiner. (why they didn't simply give me this information is another question for another day). My daughter and I both then ran upstairs to put our contacts in and get better dressed since it was so early that morning. As I was coming out of the bathroom I heard that beeping sound that indicates a phone is off the hook. Next to my bed the cordless phone was sitting slightly cockeyed on its base and was on. This was a phone that you needed to turn on to get a dial tone. Simply picking it up did not do that. As my daughter came down the hall I asked if she had been on my phone and she said no. I didn't believe she had, either, because I would have seen her come into my room. It had not been on earlier because they had just called from the hospital about five minutes earlier and had it been off the hook then they would have gotten a busy signal. I'm convinced that was Mike trying to get my attention and let me know he was there.
Throughout the last three and a half years we've had numerous experiences and, true, they can probably be explained away as coincidence or our imagination. But this past summer I had an amazing experience that no one can convince me was not real. I was overnighting in Toronto, Canada. In the morning I had showered and was toweling off when I noticed very clearly written in the steam on the mirror was SEMPER FI and underneath MB. MB, of course, were his initials. It just so happened that day was our anniversary., August 26. Some would say maybe the writing was already there but in a hotel as nice as that one I'm sure they wipe down the mirrors after every guest. And I would not expect to see many references to the USMC in Canada. I'm convinced it was a hello and a "Happy Anniversary" from my husband. I took pictures of the writing as a keepsake. I'll try to post one. Yes, I'm sure in my heart it was Mike and no one can convince me otherwise.